Sunday, March 4, 2012

You must decide the kind of life you want to live,
Only you can decide how much you want to give.
How much of your heart you want to share,
How much you want to show people you care.
But the best way to live is to give the best of you,
To show who you are in all you do.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm amazed at how happy each of us can be,
If we just focus on blessings we can and cannot see.
Miracles are around us all,
Some are great and some are small,
But all are meant to show us the beauty of everything,
And many more blessings to us bring.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Always remember how special you are
You were made to be a shining star.
To shine and always be your best,
To show your wonder to all the rest.
To be an inspiration to all those around you,
And be an exemplary example in all you do.